Most diets will fail you. It is hard to get clear statistics, but it is generally believed that around 95% of people on diets will not be able to sustain the diets for very long and many will gain back even more weight than when they begin dieting. A 95% failure rate is a depressing statistic, especially after all of the effort, denial, and thought you put into dieting in the first place. Dieting can sometimes read like a tragedy, beginning with deprivation and ending with weight gain.
Exercise can make you less anxious and depressed. Here is how.
30 Day Body Image Challenge - Finding Freedom From Body Dissatisfaction
How much time do you spend daily thinking about how dissatisfied you are with your body? Now multiply that by 365 to see how much time you spend annually feeling dissatisfied with your body. Then think about all of the people you know, and add up how much time, energy, emotion and money they spend disliking their bodies. Can you even count that high?
Tips to stop obsessively weighing yourself
Learn how to stop obsessively weighting yourself on the scale. You may be scared that if you don’t keep weighing multiple times a day or every day you will gain weight. That is not the case. Our Houston body image and disordered eating therapists can help you manage your anxious thoughts and gain more control of your life without compulsively weighing. Call us today at 713-565-0922 to get help.
Do I have an eating disorder? Quiz
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to speak at a local high school with a panel of specialists on eating disorders. I was impressed with the large crowd of students who voluntarily showed up on their lunch break to hear about eating disorders. This was clearly a topic that these high school students cared about. I guess it is not surprising considering that some estimates show nearly 11% of high school students have been diagnosed with an eating disorder (
Ice cream therapy - How to stop feeding your emotions
What foods do you crave when you are sad, or angry, or bored? Many of us will reach for some ice cream or potato chips when we are moody. It feels like that bowl of Blue Bell will make everything better, but sadly, you still feel pretty rotten when you get to the bottom of the bowl. You may have tried to feed your emotions with food but have completely ignored the fact that you feel sad about a disagreement you had with a friend or your spouse.