9 Mostly Polite Comebacks to Deal with Body Shaming Relatives

Some of you will be spending time with family this holiday. You know what they say; you don't get to choose your family. Family can sometimes feel all too free to talk about your body, your eating habits and your weight without any invitation to do so. It's annoying and even hurtful. For someone with an eating disorder, it can often trigger their eating disorder and signal for it to take over and rescue them from the body shame they feel.

If you find yourself facing these uncomfortable situations, here are some polite comebacks you can use to set boundaries and protect your well-being:

  1. "I appreciate your concern, but I'm happy with how I'm taking care of myself."

    • This response is kind yet firm, letting the person know you are content with your choices.

  2. "Let's talk about something else. How have you been?"

    • Redirecting the conversation is a great way to steer away from uncomfortable topics.

  3. "I'm focusing on positive changes in my life right now. How about we support each other in that?"

    • This not only deflects the comment but also encourages a more positive and mutual conversation.

  4. "I don't feel comfortable discussing my body. How about we enjoy the holiday together?"

    • A clear and straightforward way to set your boundaries without being confrontational.

  5. "I know you mean well, but comments about my body are not helpful for me."

    • This response acknowledges their intention while asserting your need for a supportive environment.

Remember, it's okay to stand up for yourself and prioritize your mental health. Setting these boundaries can make a big difference. If you need more strategies or support during this time, don't hesitate to reach out. We're in this together.


In addition to Eating Disorder Therapy, we have other mental health services that we offer at our Houston, TX counseling office. Our services are available for adults, children, and teens. For individuals, we offer Anxiety Therapy, Child TherapyCouples and Marriage Therapy, Family TherapySchool and College Counseling, Autism Therapy, Perinatal and Postpartum Treatment, and Infertility Counseling. As well as EMDR Therapy, Trauma Therapy and PTSD Treatment and LGBTQ+ Counseling. Our caring therapists also offer Career Counseling, and LPC Supervision. All of these services are also available through Online Counseling throughout Texas.

Contact us at Wilson Counseling to find out more about our services or to schedule an appointment. You can find out more about eating disorders here. You don't have to go through this alone. We are in this together.