A Texas marriage therapist answers the question "How do you know if it's time to break up? "

Deciding whether to end a relationship is one of the most challenging decisions you can face. It’s rarely black and white, and often, it’s a process of weighing the good against the bad. As a Houston marriage counselor, I’ve worked with many individuals who grapple with the question of whether to stay or go. If you’re feeling stuck and uncertain, you’re not alone. Here’s a look at some signs that might indicate it’s time to consider breaking up, along with specific examples to help guide you through this tough decision.

1. Persistent Unhappiness in your Marriage

If you find yourself consistently unhappy in your relationship, it’s a major red flag. It’s normal for relationships to have ups and downs, but if the downs are outnumbering the ups and leaving you feeling unfulfilled, it might be time to evaluate the relationship's health.

Example: Sarah and Mark have been together for three years. Lately, Sarah feels anxious and disheartened every time she thinks about her relationship. Despite trying to address issues with Mark, her unhappiness persists, and she’s frequently daydreaming about being single. Mark refuses to do couples counseling and Sarah feels hopeless about the chances of anything changing. This persistent unhappiness is a clear sign that something isn’t working.

Women is sad because of persistent unhappiness in her relationship

2. Lack of Trust in Relationships

Trust is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship. If trust has been broken and attempts to rebuild it haven’t succeeded, the relationship may be in trouble. A lack of trust can lead to constant arguments, jealousy, and insecurity, detrimental to both partners' well-being. It is hard to function when things are in such disarray at home or with your partner. This can have a domino effect on other parts of your life.

Example: Jessica discovered that her partner, Alex, had been dishonest about his whereabouts on multiple occasions. Despite his apologies and promises to change, Jessica finds it hard to believe him, and this ongoing distrust is straining their relationship. If trust issues are not resolved, they can erode the foundation of the relationship. This is also true when one partner is unfaithful and then lies about it. I have seen couples come back from cheating, but it takes active work in and out of counseling to get the trust back once it’s broken.

Man is sad because of a lack of trust in his relationship

3. Frequent and Intense Arguments

While occasional disagreements are a normal part of relationships, frequent and intense arguments that leave both partners feeling hurt and resentful can be a sign of deeper issues. If every conversation seems to escalate into a fight, it’s essential to assess whether the relationship is truly serving both partners’ needs.

Example: Emma and Jake can’t seem to have a calm discussion without it turning into a shouting match. Their arguments are often about trivial matters but quickly escalate into personal attacks. The constant conflict has left them both feeling emotionally drained and disconnected.

4. Emotional or Physical Abuse

Any form of abuse—whether emotional, verbal, or physical—is a serious issue that should never be tolerated. If you’re experiencing abuse in your relationship, it’s crucial to seek help immediately and consider ending the relationship for your safety and well-being. If you want to know more about how to get out of an abusive relationship, this post might be useful.

Example: Laura has noticed that her partner, Mike, frequently belittles her in front of others and has started to show controlling behavior. Despite promising to change, the emotional abuse continues. This is a clear indicator that it’s time to seek support and end the relationship. People often underestimate how devastating emotional abuse can be. It can hurt just as much as physical abuse. No abuse should be tolerated. Our Houston therapists can help you get your life back on track and figure out what is best for you.

5. Incompatible Life Goals

Sometimes, people grow apart because their life goals and values no longer align. If you and your partner have different visions for the future and haven’t been able to find common ground, it may be time to reconsider the relationship’s viability. It takes work to grow together, but sometimes the distance between the life you want and the life your partner wants are just too far apart. Texas Couples Therapy can help you determine which it is for you.

Example: Tom and Lily have been dating for several years, but their future goals are vastly different. Tom wants to travel the world and work remotely, while Lily is focused on settling down and starting a family. Despite numerous discussions, they can’t reconcile their differing visions for the future, which creates ongoing tension in their relationship. If neither person is able to be happy compromising, they may end up in this conflict loop indefinitely if they don’t split up.

Notebook to represent incompatable life goals being a reason to break up with your partner

6. Feeling Unappreciated or Undervalued

In a healthy relationship, both partners should feel valued and appreciated. If you consistently feel taken for granted, and your efforts and contributions are not acknowledged, it can lead to resentment and emotional distance. Showing your partner appreciation is a skill that can be learned. Houston Marriage counseling and Couples Therapy can teach you to show appreciation to one another pretty easily.

Example: Maria always goes out of her way to support her partner, David, but feels that her efforts go unnoticed. She often feels that her needs and feelings are disregarded, leading to a growing sense of being undervalued. This lack of appreciation can erode the relationship over time. This does not mean you should break up, but it does mean it’s time to work on the relationship. It can be easy to take each other for granted especially in long-term relationships.

7. Loss of Emotional Connection

A strong emotional connection is vital for a fulfilling relationship. If you or your partner no longer feel emotionally connected, and efforts to rekindle that connection have failed, it might be a sign that the relationship has run its course, or it might just be time to get into couples counseling. Your Houston marriage counselor can teach both of you how to rekindle the spark and feel connected again.

Example: James and Laura once felt deeply connected, but over time, they’ve grown distant. They no longer share their feelings or spend quality time together, and their conversations have become superficial. Despite their attempts to reconnect, they struggle to regain the intimacy they once had.

Watch this video from Wilson Counseling with a technique about how to feel closer to your partner

8. Feeling Trapped or Stuck

If you feel like you’re stuck in a relationship out of obligation or fear rather than genuine affection, it’s important to evaluate whether the relationship is meeting your needs. Feeling trapped can lead to dissatisfaction and a lack of fulfillment.

Example: Rachel feels obligated to stay with her partner, Ben, because of their long history together, but she often feels unfulfilled and trapped. She’s staying in the relationship more out of habit than genuine happiness, which indicates it might be time to reassess. If you have kids, it can feel especially hard to decide whether to stay or leave. This post may help you know how to make a decision about whether to stay in a relationship because of the kids or not.

9. Seeking Fulfillment Outside the Relationship

If you find yourself consistently seeking emotional or physical fulfillment outside of your relationship, it could be a sign that your current relationship isn’t meeting your needs. This can include developing feelings for someone else or frequently engaging in activities to escape the relationship. No relationship can meet all of your needs, so it’s important to have realistic expectations. However, if most of your needs are being met outside of your relationship, the relationship may not be viable.

Example: Michael has started spending more time with friends and engaging in hobbies to avoid being at home with his partner, Julia. He’s also developed a close friendship with someone who provides the emotional support he feels is lacking in his current relationship.

10. Lack of Mutual Respect

Respect is fundamental to any healthy relationship. If there is a consistent lack of respect, whether through dismissive behavior, disregard for each other’s opinions, or treating each other poorly, it can undermine the relationship’s stability.

Example: Lisa and Mark have frequent disagreements where Mark dismisses Lisa’s feelings and opinions. This lack of respect has created a significant emotional distance between them, making it challenging to maintain a healthy relationship dynamic. It can also be a self-esteem killer. If you own partner doesn’t respect you, it can be hard to respect yourself. Call one of our Houston therapists if you are feeling bad about yourself and want to improve your self esteem.

Man sitting sad in a chair because of a lack of respect with his partner

Deciding whether to break up is never easy, and it's a deeply personal decision that requires careful consideration. If you identify with several of the signs mentioned above, it might be time to reflect on the relationship’s future and would like to talk to a professional therapist, contact us online to schedule an appointment or call 713-565-0922 to ask questions about how we can help. Remember, a fulfilling and healthy relationship should enhance your life, not detract from it.


In addition to Couples Therapy & Marriage Counseling, we have other mental health services that we offer at our Houston, TX counseling office. Our services are available for adults, children, and teens. For individuals we offer Anxiety Treatment, Eating Disorder Counseling, School and College Counseling, Autism Therapy, Perinatal and Postpartum Treatment and Infertility Counseling. As well as Trauma Therapy, PTSD Treatment, EMDR Therapy, and LGBTQ+ Counseling. Our caring therapists also offer Family Therapy, Parenting Counseling, Career Counseling, and LPC Supervision. All of these services are also available through Online Counseling throughout Texas.

If you’re ready to get started, contact Wilson Counseling today. Together we can get you to a better place in your relationship.