Movie Premier- America The Beautiful : The Sexualization of Our Youth

The premier of America The Beautiful is coming up on Wednesday, October 22nd at 7pm. The event is free and open to the public, but you do need to register here.

Below is the media release of the film if you would like to know more about it.

"Award-winning filmmaker Darryl Roberts takes an unflinching look at the insidious effects of our culture's preoccupation with sex in "America the Beautiful 3: The Sexualization of Our Youth" premiering this fall across the United States.  

"America the Beautiful 3: The Sexualization of Our Youth," is an important yet disconcerting film that both informs and warns viewers that our fixation with sex is adversely affecting our culture, leading to a public health crisis and even worse, the escalation of violence against women and children.    

*WARNING: This film includes scenes with graphic violence and pornographic imagery, which have the potential to trigger some viewers. Individuals with a history of sexual abuse, trauma or PTSD are advised not watch this film.  

Using interviews and storylines while weaving a personal narrative, Roberts deals with taboo topics, drawing his subjects out by being himself: curious, concerned and approachable. Roberts exposes the images and messages that desensitize our children to sex and the ultimate price our society pays through unlimited and uncensored access to sexually explicit material by increasingly younger audiences. 

Roberts covers topics including:

· How the Internet has made pornography affordable, accessible and anonymous

· How body image ideals and being "perfect" is shaped by the media

· The intensity of the baby and toddler pageant circuit

· One teenager's crusade re: Abercrombie & Fitch, and the surprising outcome of her efforts

· Aspiring actresses/models and what they will do to be famous

· How addiction to porn is changing expectations of sex for young men

· The mixed messages of safe sex versus abstinence

· Rape on college campuses: how universities have been ignoring the epidemic

· One in four women have been sexually assaulted, yet often little is done about it.

"The objectification of our youth creates such serious mental health issues and our desensitization to these issues, especially to violence towards women, may be impossible to reverse if we don't change how images are presented in the media and advertising. I want to shed light on these issues and bring organizations together to help eradicate the problem," Roberts said.

Monte Nido & Affiliates Eating Disorder Treatment Centers is the sponsor of the theatrical release and Carolyn Costin, founder/chief clinical officer, has partnered with Roberts on all three films: "Each documentary explores how our culture objectifies females and undermines their self esteem, leading to serious psychological and social consequences. His first film explored our culture's obsession with beauty, his second focused on our relentless pursuit of thinness, and now his third examines our fixation with sex. Darryl exposes how our cultural obsessions take an insidious toll on our health and well being," Costin said.

Costin's life's work has focused on how to help change the conversation about and our relationship to our bodies, to help people feel empowered rather than objectified or victimized by a culture that promotes image over substance resulting in body shaming: "The series is a wake-up call urging us to speak out and make changes in the things we have come to accept as unchangeable. There are many things we can do, and the young female heroine in "America the Beautiful 3" is evidence that we can turn adversity into activism," Costin said.

"America the Beautiful 3" premieres in cities across the country and includes local and national outreach campaigns in collaboration with public advocacy groups, universities and health organizations. A Q&A will follow each screening:

New York, NY ~ October 10

Los Angeles, CA ~ October 19

Dallas, TX ~ October 20

Houston, TX ~ October 22

East Lansing, MI ~ October 27

Chicago, IL ~ October 29

San Francisco, CA ~ November 3

Seattle, WA ~ November 6

Boston, MA ~ November 10

Philadelphia, PA ~ November 12

Atlanta, GA ~ November 17

Miami, FL ~ November 19

About Darryl Roberts: President of Harley Boy Entertainment. Roberts is a writer, producer, and director. Best known for his 2008 "America the Beautiful," documentary, Roberts received media attention from The Today Show, Good Morning America and CNN Headline News. 

Inspired by the people and events from his films, Roberts started the "Are You An Ally?" Anti-Bullying Campaign. The effort, spurred by work on the third film, was sponsored by Abercrombie & Fitch is now being extended to 10,000 high schools in October 2014 for National Anti-Bullying Month. 

About Carolyn Costin: Author, psychotherapist and founder and chief clinical officer of Monte Nido & Affiliates, Costin recovered from anorexia in the early 1970s and has specialized in treating body image disturbance and eating disorders since 1979. In 1996, Costin opened Monte Nido in Malibu, CA, the first-of-its-kind residential treatment facility. The success of this program led to four more residential facilities with a fifth to open in New York, October 6, 2014. Monte Nido also runs four day-treatment programs and two transitional living houses.

Monte Nido and Affiliates' programs are known as premier treatment facilities in the U.S. and abroad. Carolyn's books, The Eating Disorder Sourcebook, Your Dieting Daughter, 100 Questions and Answers About Eating Disorders and 8 Keys to Recovery From an Eating Disorder are highly acclaimed by professionals, sufferers and the public."

Thank you and please contact project manager Shannon Grosswiler (



) for questions.

Note: Although we require a reservation on EventBrite, this movie is free and a "first come, first seated" event unless you contact Ms. Grosswiler for a block of pre-assigned seats. All seats will be released promptly at 


 to additional guests.

We hope to see you at premieres.