job houston

Is an MBA the way out of your career search blues?

Is an MBA the way out of your career search blues?

Most of us have at some point had a job we just did not like. Perhaps your boss resembled one of the supervisors in the black comedy Horrible Bosses - the Psycho, the Man-eater, or the Tool! Okay, maybe they are not that bad, but you still don't love working for them. Perhaps your paycheck isn't cutting it. Perhaps your job does not seem to have any opportunities for growth, is not stimulating, or perhaps it just feels like your job is sucking the life out of you and you need out, NOW!

Land a job by networking through professional organizations

Land a job by networking through professional organizations

Networking with professional organizations is a great way to find out about job opportunities, meet professionals in your field, and get support as you find work or try to launch into a new career. For a handy list of Houston professional organizations in your field, check out this free resource on