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Worried about the Coronavirus? 5 Tips For Feeling Less Anxious

If you are tuned into the news, you are hearing about the coronavirus, repeatedly. And you may be starting to feel anxious about possible outbreaks. Your fear is understandable, but it may not be helpful. As with everything, you actually have a lot of control over how you feel. You just need the right tools to keep your anxiety in check.

So before you go into pandemic panic, there are a few things that will help. 

1. Get accurate information

First, get accurate information about the virus. Not everything you read is accurate. The CDC is always a reliable source for information. You can read about common myths and facts about the virus on their website. A friend of mine shared this post and I found it really put things in perspective for me. 

2. Turn off the news & social media

Second, spend less time watching the news and reading social media posts about the virus. The more time you spend pondering the virus, the more panicked you are likely to feel. It will keep your mind stuck in a negative place, and this can cause the anxiety to spiral.

3. Recharge with friends, exercise, nature and fun 

Unplug and focus on things you enjoy. Go outside, exercise, go for a walk, read a book you let yourself enjoy your hobbies and friends. These things are recharging and will help you feel a sense of normalcy.

 I find being nature very calming. Walking around Houston, the Live Oaks are strong and green, the Carolina jasmine is in bloom and the world is still beautiful. This video with Louis Armstrong singing "What a wonderful world," always reminds me of the wonder of our world and takes me out of my own stressed out head space when I need it.

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I ran across this version of the same song, and it also feels very joyful. The smiles on the kids from the African Children's choir are precious. 

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4. Sleep 

Get a good night's sleep. It's amazing what a good night's sleep will do to put things in perspective and help you process your anxieties and all of the junk you have accumulated in your mind over the previous day. Your body needs sleep to stay strong, and your mind needs it to help hit the reset button.

5.Wash your hands

Wash your hands. A LOT. This is the most important thing you can do. The bottom line is, washing your hands throughly and regularly will prevent the spread of the virus to most of you. And if for some reason you get the virus,  remember, most people who have contracted the virus worldwide have only mild to moderate symptoms and have fully recovered, especially those who are not in vulnerable populations like the elderly.  So wash your hands and try to avoid touching your face. You have way more control over this than you think.

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We hope you find these resources helpful! If you are struggling with loneliness, conflict, or anxiety, speaking to a professional counselor in Houston can help.

Contact us at Wilson Counseling to find out more about our services or to schedule an appointment. You can find out more about Anxiety Therapy here. You don't have to go through this alone. We are in this together. 

The advice in this blog is not a substitute for professional counseling.