Wilson Counseling

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Is it possible to like your body?

I hate my body

How do you go from hating your body to not only accepting it but feeling more alive in it? Is that even a realistic or worthwhile goal? Can you imagine looking at the loose skin on your stomach, stretched from carrying children, or the cellulite on the back of your thighs, or the dark circles under your eyes made worse by nights of worry and thinking that your body is acceptable, even sometimes beautiful and miraculous? Are you just wasting your time even trying?

Hate -----> Tolerate ----> Liberate

In this link Dr. Jennifer Kreatsoulas proposes there are three stages in being liberated from body hate: HATE, TOLERATE, LIBERATE. This does not mean you always love your body, but you can learn to "neutralize the charge of hate, feel your mind quiet down, and feel more in sync with your body."

Neutralize body negativity

Kreatsoulas discusses how the use of yoga can get you closer to that place of tolerance and liberation. It is not a once-and-done experience, though. We must learn to go back again and again to neutralize the negativity whenever it tries to pop up. We have to become more accepting before we can appreciate and make peace with the particular body we are given.

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We hope you find these resources helpful! If you are struggling with loneliness, conflict, or anxiety, speaking to a professional counselor in Houston can help.

Contact us at Wilson Counseling to find out more about our services or to schedule an appointment. You can find out more about Anxiety Therapy here. You don't have to go through this alone. We are in this together. 

The advice in this blog is not a substitute for professional counseling.