Wilson Counseling

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I was attending church, and during announcements, one of the members (who happened to be George H W Bush’s grandson) got up to encourage people to get involved in Big Brothers Big Sisters. It is an organization that he himself was very involved with and was passionate about. He talked about how his grandfather had taught him that he is responsible for being a point of light in the world. 

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When 41 spoke about the 1,000 points of light, I always assumed it was just a political talking point. But, I realized at that moment, that it was more than just a talking point. It was part of the Bush legacy, something he passed on to those who were willing to listen, including his grandchildren. 

No one who does anything of importance has a spotless or perfect record. That’s not what life is really about anyways. Life is messy, love is messy, caring and fighting for what you believe in is messy. 

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But, when it’s my time to go, I would like to know that my legacy will be one of having given hope to people, one person, at a time. Connecting, empathizing, and caring enough to lift people up to reach their purpose and potential. I hope that I will strive to be a point of light and not just another cynical point of darkness. 

What do you want your legacy to be?

If you are struggling with your relationships and would like help, we have Houston, Texas Counselors who can meet with you. You can contact us 713 - 565 - 0922 or by email at contact@wilsoncounseling.org

This blog is not intended to substitute for professional counseling.